Networking Knowledge, the journal of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies (MeCCSA) Postgraduate Network, invites contributions from postgraduate students and early career researchers for publication in future issues. Academic articles, creative work, interviews and media reviews from any field of media, communication, and cultural studies are welcome.

Along with our ongoing open submissions, we are particularly interested in contributions on the following topics as we plan upcoming issues:

  • Television, video-on-demand, and binge watching
  • Podcasts, audio entertainment, and radio
  • Diaspora(n) media and mediation, including online journalism, online media distribution and access
  • Journalism, local news, and datafication of news media

We would also encourage creative submissions, including audio, video, and images, both on these topics and on general interactions with media, communications, and cultural studies.

We also invite proposals for special issues and guest editorships for publication in 2022-23 and are always seeking peer reviewers.

About Us

Networking Knowledge is the official publication of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network. It is a fully-indexed, open-access, peer-reviewed journal, run exclusively by, and featuring content solely from, postgraduate and early career researchers.

Networking Knowledge nurtures academic talent in the fields of media, communication and cultural studies, offering early career scholars a vibrant space for innovative scholarly debate, through opportunities to publish their work and to get involved in all stages of the editorial process.

How to Submit

Submission of completed contributions can be made online, using our journal system here – just click on ‘Make a Submission’ and follow the instructions to complete your submission or, if you already have an account on our system, just sign in and click ‘New Submission’ from your Dashboard, following the instructions given.

Contributions should be between 5000 and 7000 words including abstract, keywords and references, but not including tables and appendices. Our journal style guides are available HERE ( Your contribution will be assessed by the editorial team for suitability before being sent to double-blind peer review for feedback, if appropriate. We recommend browsing our issue archive to get a sense of the variety of work we have published in the past.

Alternatively, if you would like to enquire as to the suitability of your contribution, to get feedback on an abstract ahead of drafting a completed manuscript or to ask any other questions before making your submission, please email the Editor-in-Chief, Jen McLevey at

Submissions and enquiries are welcome on a rolling basis.


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